Friday, September 10, 2010


It has always been a part of my being.  Since childhood I have always been want to leave for tomorrow any task that should have been done today.  I was always the child who read his book and wrote his book report within a week, often with my mother taking my dictation in order to get it completed on time, more often to get it completed days late.  In college I was "The King of the All-Nighter", unable, or unwilling to study ahead.  As I put off the last of the packing that is required of me before my wife returns to Kansas City for the last time I find myself thinking of the things that I will miss about the town of my birth, and what I will replace them with in my new home of Des Moines.

The first pang came as I began the packing, even the thought of packing.  Moving has never been something I enjoyed, but has always been something I did a lot, at least in my adult life.  The first thing that I knew I would miss is this home that my wife and I have made together.  The first place I have lived in for two full years in my adult life, the first home my wife and I shared together.  It has only been two years, but there are a lot of shared memories here, which are hard to put into boxes.

Second are my family, both born and found, that I will leave here in Kansas City, all of which I hope will stay connected, either through this blog or through my addiction known as FaceBook or even the random visits that I will make to Kansas City or even better unexpected visits to Des Moines (see I told you there would be more run-on sentences).  I have many great friends here in Kansas City and I will miss them all in their own way.  I may not see my family as much as I like, but it seems that for the most part they all know when I need to see them and make it happen.

Mostly I think about food and drink, this is not a moving issue, but just how my mind works.  There are so many places in Kansas City that I will miss, so many great spots that I just don't know how I will replace in my new home.  I'm sure there are places that I will miss that I haven't even thought about yet, and some that I swear now that I will miss and I won't think about again, but having spent 23 year living in Kansas City there are a lot of memories associated with a lot of these places that are going to be hard to let go of.

I suppose there will be more talk later of the specific places that I will miss, but for now these words have been carthotic enough to give me the strength to finish the packing that I must do.  To all of the people, places and things that I will miss about Kansas City, thank you for being you, thank you for being a part of my life, I hope you are all still here when I return.

The Server

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have lived 23 of my 34 years in the town of my birth, pausing briefly, ok, not so briefly, to live in the armpit of America while attending collge, well not attending, but enrolled in college (you can look forward to more of these run-on sentences in the future).  In less than a week I will leave Kansas City to join my wife in living in the place of her birth, Des Moines, Iowa.  Less than 200 miles, but I have a feeling it is a world away.  I embrace this journey knowing that it is the right decision, but not knowing what the future holds.

I know very little about Des Moines.  I have been with the love of my life for almost 3 1/2 years and yet have spent probably less then a month in the city and state of her birth.  All the things that I have taken for granted in Kansas City, will no longer be where they should be.  No reasuring memories of my youth, no snippits of time spent with my family.  Everything new, different...strange.

I relish these new things, but approach them with trepidation.  I don't know where I want to work, nor where I want to spend my time afterwards.  All I really know is that I will be with my wife and my dogs and my cat and that is all that I really need.

Why am I doing this?  What will keep me posting things here instead of just thinking about what I could do?  My hope is that this blog, these words, pictures and thoughts will aid me in my transition, perhaps even give me somewhere to find the direction I need in my profesional life to match what I have finally found in my personal one.

What can you, humble reader, expect to find here?  My hope is a server's view on all that Des Moines has to offer, the things I miss from my hometown, perhaps even an insight into what drives me to persue a career in the service industry with my education in the engineering field.

I hope that what appears is enjoyable to you, if not I appologize, I'm really not doing it for you, but for me, and my family, which is all I have that is worth doing anything for.  Thank you for your time and your interest.

The Server